Krsna Kirtana Songs est. 2001                                                                                                                                            

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Raga Name: Misra Gara

That Name: Kafi

Aroha: S R m P D n D S’

Avaroha: S’ n D P D m P m G R g R S

Jati: SadavaSampurna

Vadi: P

Samvadi: S

Swarupa: S G m P G m R g R S ‘n S

Prahar: 4th Prahar (12 PM to 3 PM)


Raga Information:

This raga is heard occasionally in bhajans glorifying Lord Ramacandra by Tulsi-dasa, along with a good number of Bengali and Gaudiya bhajans. This is a raga of the Kafi that, although its parent raga, Gara, is of the Khamaja That. The sweet feature is the trade off weight of the suddha ga and komal ga. A common chant people relate this raga to is “Raghupati Raghava Raja Rama.”



Raga Misra Gara


Songs found on this website in Misra Gara:

Song: Krsna Deva Bhavantam Vande (2005)


UPDATED: June 13, 2009

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