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Archived News: Year 2009


December 30, 2009


Hari Bol! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Few updates to note:



Many new instruments are featured on the KKSongs Gallery of Instruments page.



For nearly four years, hosted musical notations for various songs of the Vaisnava acaryas, but did not contain mahamantra tunes. A new feature is added to! This contains authentic mahamantra tunes (no lifts!!) sorted by the raga. It is in its very early elementary stages, but it will expand as time progresses.


December 21, 2009


Hari Bol! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Few updates to note:



December 27th is Putrada Ekadasi. Please fast from grains and beans. The breakfast time is 7:23 AM to 10:23 AM on Monday, December 28th.


The Ekadasi page is updated for 2010 dates. Please mark your calendars for these dates and times. The times are valid for Chicago only. If you live away from Chicago, please check your local temple for exact times and dates.


In addition, the holidays page have been updated for the year 2010.


SCRIPTS PAGE: The scripts page was causing some degree of confusion amongst viewers. So, the relocation project of the script pages will be postponed for the time being.


KHOL LESSONS: One of my former students recorded videos for Lessons 2, 3, and 4. Those videos are posted for the khol guide.


October 25, 2009


Hari Bol! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


I hope all the viewers of the site had a lovely month of Kartika filled with many wonderful and colorful holidays and events. This will end on November 3rd. Forthcoming events for the month of November are as follows.


October 29thUtthana Ekadasi (Start of Bhisma Pancaka – the five days honoring the departure of Bhismadeva)

November 2nd – Sri Tulasi-Saligrama Vivaha (the marriage of Tulasi Devi to the Salagrama Sila of Lord Krsna)

November 12thUtpanna Ekadasi

November 28thMoksada Ekadasi; Gita Jayanti

December 5th – Disappearance day of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura (fast till noon)


Please note: November 1st marks the end of Daylight Savings Time. Please change your clocks on the night of October 31st.


Your forgiveness is requested regarding e-mails sent to the site administrator. There will be some delay in replying back. This should go on till December 11th.


Updates on will resume on December 11th. Thank you very much for your patience and support! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Hari Bol!


September 17, 2009


Hari Bol! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Tomorrow is the forty-fourth solar anniversary of the song Srila Prabhupada wrote: “Boro Krpa Koile Krsna.” While the lunar anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival to Boston was a week ago, we should always be appreciative to Srila Prabhupada for what he did for all of society. Please read this song to understand his mood of preaching Krsna Consciousness to the West.



September 14thIndira Ekadasi

September 28thDasera (Rama Vijayotsava)

September 29thPasankusa Ekadasi

October 4th – Start of Kartika (Damodara)

October 14thRama Ekadasi

October 17th/ 18thDipavali/Govardhana Puja

October 21st – Disappearance of Srila Prabhupada

October 29thUtthana Ekadasi


Please note that October 4th is the start of the most sacred month of the Vaisnava tradition, known as Kartika in the Vedic system, or Damodara in the Vaisnava system. Please try to improve your devotional lives, especially in the month of Kartika.


Updates on will resume on December 11th. Thank you very much for your patience and support! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Hari Bol!


August 26, 2009


Hari Bol!


Tomorrow is the Appearance Day of Srimati Radharani, known as Radhastami! Please fast till noon, read, and sing the glories of Sri Radha!


A future look into the next month, as far as the holidays go:


August 27thRadhastami

August 30thParsva Ekadasi

August 31stVamana Dvadasi (Appearance Day of Lord Vamanadeva)

September 1stBhaktivinoda Thakura Vyasa Puja (fast till noon)

September 4thSrila Prabhupada’s Sannyasa Anniversary

September 11thSrila Prabhuapda’s Arrival to the U.S.

September 14thIndira Ekadasi

September 28thDasera (Rama Vijayotsava)

September 29thPasankusa Ekadasi


August 14, 2009


Hare Krsna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada, whose appearance we celebrate today! All glories to Sri Krsna!


Few updates of worth noting.


1) Indian scripts page is in the process of expansion. Ultimately, any song with diacritic markings will be converted to its respective fonts. While the entire site conversion will take a few years to complete, the links for the Indian scripts page will link to its future Indian scripts page. From that point, click the EXIT sign to get to the current Indian scripts page.


2) There are new additions to the Talamala and Ragamala databases. Please take a look at those.


July 30, 2009


Hari Bol!


Friendly reminders of Upcoming Holidays, as we enter the holy month of Bhadra (Hrsikesa) filled with holidays (beginning August 5th):


August 1st: Pavitraropana Ekadasi

August 1 – 5: Jhulana Yatra

August 5thBalarama Jayanti

August 13thKrsnastami

August 14thSrila Prabhupada Vyasa Puja

August 16thAnnada Ekadasi

August 27thRadhastami

August 31stParsva Ekadasi


On the Literature page, the Sri Ksanada Gita Cintamani is under construction. The songs which are already uploaded onto have been placed on that page. The other songs featured from that book will be uploaded gradually.


July 25, 2009


Hare Krsna!


The main high priority projects for IFP Phase II is completed.


Other additions and features will be added periodically.


The Krsna Samhita by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has been added to Please visit AUTHORS AND LITERATURE à LITERATURE INDEX.


July 8, 2009


The Audio Page has been updated.


Previously, MP3s have been low quality on the KKSongs Audio Page. The listen to high quality version of recordings, one would need to exit into another site to listen to these songs.


Now, streaming and downloading MP3s don’t require an external source for high quality recordings. One can stream the MP3 track without needing to download the entire file. Green links, which previously meant Low-Q recordings, now imply streaming audio. Blue links, as always, indicate downloadable items within


As of now, 33 of the 56 MP3 files are upgraded to Hi-Q.


Green links on lyrics and music pages are NOT updated yet, and they do NOT imply streaming yet.


July 7, 2009


The Glossary is now complete. Each entry contains the same word written in Devanagari script.


Major changes are being planned for the Audio page.


July 4, 2009




Hare Krsna!


The core portions of the IFP Phase II are nearly complete.


All components of Krsna Culture, Vaisnava Calendar, Languages Page, Mantra Meditation, Music Center, and the Authors page have been updated.


Lyrics A through O, Q, and T through Z are complete. (P, R, and S have yet to be updated).


Glossary components A through I have been uploaded.


As of now, the lyrics should all be updated by the end of next week (July 11, 2009)


Other additions (i.e. synonyms, notations, etc.) will be added accordingly. Small but periodic changes will occur until August 23, 2009. Changes from that point will proceed less regularly.


June 26, 2009




Hare Krsna!


As of now, the following portions of have been upgraded.


Vaisnava Calendar (all components)

Krsna Culture (all components)

Languages and Pronunciation (all components)

Authors and Literature Page (all components)

Notations of the Vaisnava Acaryas

Lyrics (A, B, C, D, E only)

Music Page


Glossary (A, B, E, I only) ß Devanagari transliteration is given for each word


June 16, 2009




Hare Krsna!


As of now, the following portions of have been upgraded.


Vaisnava Calendar (all components)

Krsna Culture (all components EXCEPT DEITIES)

Languages and Pronunciation (all components)

Authors and Literature Page (all components)

Notations of the Vaisnava Acaryas


Glossary (A, B, E, I only) ß Devanagari transliteration is given for each word

Lyrics (A only)

Ragamala, Talamala databases



The Khol lessons are being renumbered and redone. The audio clips will be in the process of rerecording. The final chapters will be under reconstruction.


SEARCH ENGINE DEFUNCT TEMPORARILY: The Google Search engine on KKSongs has some problems which are under repair. Please forgive the appearance. Use the Search Engine link to get the temporary quick access to the Sitemaps.


May 8, 2009


Hari Bol everyone!


This is the newer look to the index page. IFP Phase II will begin on May 11th.


As things change and progress is made, notifications will provided here.


April 17, 2009


Hare Krsna!


Few reminders:


April 20thEkadasi

May 4thEkadasi

May 7thNrsimha Caturdasi

May 11th – Start of IFP II in full force


April 10, 2009


Hari Bol!


Few new links for people to consider checking: is a nice website with a large and diverse collection of artwork of various forms of Lord Krsna by Vishnu-dasa. is the homepage of the organization in charge of managing the Ratha Yatra and countless cultural programs and festivals in North America. It’s goal is to promote Srila Prabhupada’s teachings as well as promoting the fine arts and culture of Krsna Consciousness.


Almost 30 days before IFP Phase 2 takes full force.


April 4, 2009


Newly uploaded to the site is a wonderful contribution from the Sri Vaisnavas. The Nama Ramayana by Sri Laksmanacarya is uploaded for online viewing. Note that any new or edited song lyrics upload will be integrated to the IFP Phase II format.


April 3, 2009


Hare Krsna! All glories to Sri Rama! Today is Rama Navami, the day celebrating the appearance of Sri Rama. Please perform a complete fast till sunset, break with Ekadasi, and chant the names of Lord Rama and hear His glories in the Ramayana or Canto 9 Chapters 10 and 11 of the Srimad Bhagavatam. Newly uploaded is a prayer containing one-hundred-eight names of Lord Ramacandra. (Sri Ramo Ramabhadrasca).


April 5th is Ekadasi.


March 29, 2009


Hare Krsna!


To prepare for the IFP project, few early steps are integrated in.


The Literature pages, the Language Index pages, and Song Index pages have been updated now. Please look at the individualized pages to see the difference. May 11, 2009, the IFP will take full force. After today, no new additions or changes will be done to the site till then.


The Language Index pages all contain a picture of the flag of the language.


EFFECTIVE May 8, 2009: The main page will change its look slightly. A new logo is being considered.


March 26, 2009


Hari Bol! Some new songs have been uploaded online, including Sanakracarya’sGurvastakam” and King Kulasekhara’s Mukunda Mala Stotra.


Friendly Reminders: April 3 is the celebration of Lord Ramacandra’s appearance on earth, known as Rama Navami. Please fast till sunset, break the fast with Ekadasi prasadam, and read and chant glories of Sri Rama. There is a good handful of songs on and a summary study of the Ramayana.


April 5 is Kamada Ekadasi.


In forty-three days, the IFP Phase II project will begin.


March 13, 2009


Hare Krsna! Just a small update: the Authors and Texts page is renamed as the “Authors and Literature” page. Likewise, the “Texts of the Vaisnava Acaryas” page is renamed as “Vaisnava Literature” page.


In the Vaisnava Literature, Narada Pancaratra and Gita Govinda are included. Some more pages will be added as time allows.


March 10, 2009


Hari Bol! Today is the Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s appearance day, also known as Gaura Purnima. Please perform a complete fast till sunset (6:58 PM CDT in Chicago) and read, hear, and sing the glories of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. is filled with songs glorifying Him or through the Caitanya Caritamrta.


Today also marks the Vaisnava New Year and the celebration of the festival of colors, Holi.


March 4, 2009


Hari Bol!


In the middle of May, the site will begin undergoing its second phase of the IPF project. As a result, certain pages have been changed or created in order to aid in this process.


AUTHORS PAGE: Song Purports and Biography Indexes have been created. Also “Texts of the Vaisnava Acaryas” has been renamed as “Vaisnava Literature Page.”


The links in the song sitemap has been updated for this correction.


February 26, 2009


Hare Krsna!


A new link featuring Riyaaz Studio is posted on the Links Page.




The Authors and Texts page now features a Songs Purports page. Instead of having to search for the individual purports, the entire list of purports featured on is right here. AUTHORS AND TEXTS à SONG PURPORTS.


Also on the Authors page, there will be major construction on the TEXTS OF THE VAISNAVA ACARYAS PAGE. As a result, a transfer link to a temporary page is provided. The temporary page will disappear once editing of the Texts page is completed.



March 7 (next week Saturday) is Amalki Vrata Ekadasi


DST Begins (March 8 for U.S.A.; March 29 for European Union)


March 10 (Tuesday) Anniversary of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s appearance, known as Gaura Purnima. Also, this is the same day of Holi.


These dates are correct for Chicago. If you live outside of the Midwest U.S., please contact your local Vaisanva temple or center for correct dates and times.


February 25, 2009


Hare Krsna!


Few small updates:


Errors in the purports of Namamisvaram Saccidananda Rupam (Sri Damodarastakam) have been fixed.


A small error detected in the Languages section has also been fixed.


Lastly, a new audio recording is found on the Audio Page. It is an instrumental of Raga Pahadi in light Bengali classical-folk style.


February 13, 2009


Hari Bol!


Even though it is Friday the thirteenth, cast away all inauspiciousness and chant and be happy!


In response to broken links and errors in the Mantra Meditation Page (KRSNA CULTURE à MANTRA) of the site, the links to Srila Prabhupada’s Mahamantra purports have been fixed. In addition, the links from the “ISKCON Pranamas” lyrics page are also corrected.


Please note that on the bottoms of each page, the UPDATED field has been incorporated to any page (except Archived News, News, and Homepage) which has been updated post-February 1, 2009. This will allow frequent web viewers to see if any of their desired pages have been updated, edited, or changed since their last visit.


Friendly reminders:


February 20 (next week Friday) is Vijaya Ekadasi.


February 23 (Monday) is Siva Ratri for those who celebrate this holiday.


March 7 (Saturday) is Amalki Vrata Ekadasi


DST Begins (March 8 for U.S.A.; March 29 for European Union)


March 10 (Tuesday) Anniversary of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s appearance, known as Gaura Purnima. Also, this is the same day of Holi.


These dates are correct for Chicago. If you live outside of the Midwest U.S., please contact your local Vaisanva temple or center for correct dates and times.


February 6, 2009


Hare Krsna!


Today is Varaha Dvadasi. Today is the celebration of how the Supreme Lord came in the form of a Divine Boar who saved the world from drowning by Hiranyaksa. Please read Srila Prabhupada’s purport on the appearance day anniversary of Lord Sri Varahadeva here.


Happy Nityananda Trayodasi. Tomorrow is the appearance day anniversary of Lord Nityananda, the incarnation of Lord Balarama in Kali Yuga as Lord Caitanya’s brother. He is considered the original spiritual master. It is recommended that one sings songs of Lord Nityananda such as Nitai Guna Mani, Nitai Nama Hate, Nitai Pada Kamala, and Jaya Jaya Nityananda Rohini Kumara. Please fast till noon tomorrow and break the fast with Ekadasi prasadam for the remainder of the day.


January 30, 2009


Hari Bol!


A friendly reminder that next week that Ekadasi falls on Thursday, February 5th. In addition, the following Saturday, February 7th, is Sri Nityananda Trayodasi, the Appearance Day of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s brother, Lord Nityananda. This day calls for fasting till noon and chanting and reading the glories and pastimes of Sri Nityananda Prabhu.


Effective February 1, 2009, any changes made to any page of this site will have its updated date on the bottom (except for the home and the news page). Also, as newer and updated pages are updated, glimpses of the newer IFP will be implemented.


January 14, 2009


Hari Bol!


Reminder: Ekadasi on January 21, 2009 for Chicago residents. Please consult your local temple for the correct date.


As Winter Update 2008 has been completed with library of song purports of Srila Prabhupada posted online, considerations for future tasks for for the Summer Update 2009 are under way.



While the IFP of July and August 2008 turned out to be a very successful one, ideas for extending interconnectivity and functionality came about at the far end of the winter. (Why do great ideas have to come so late?) Just as this past summer, starting the second week of May 2009, all pages (except visit the webmaster, contact, and Archived News 2006, 2007, and 2008) will contain branched links just below the header of each page on this site. For instance, a person visiting the lyrics to the song “Samsara Davanala Lidha Loka” will see the organization in the format Home à Song Lyrics à S. Without having to click backspace on the browser, one can skip through all levels of organization to find what they are looking for.



Instead of having to travel off site to hear high quality version of the KKSongs original recordings, these recordings can be heard in high quality streaming with player. All audio of will be embedded onto the page in the highest quality available. Of course, no copyrighted recordings will be posted on The audio pages will be redone to accommodate such changes. Interlinking will also change as a result (resulting in the loss of green links).



KKSongs Song Notations Page will undergo a major change. As of now, the page is filled with notations for primarily bhajans. Planned for mid-summer 2009, mahamantra melody notations will be posted along with the guide track with Swarshala generated harmonium/khol/kartal track. The mahamantra tunes will be identified by the raga name. This page will also be reorganized to allow ease in accessing these notations. The audio files, by that point, will be embedded in these pages, with the download link still available.


As always, as new lyrics come, they will be posted adhering to the newer formats.


With these new and exciting forthcoming ideas to, please stay tuned for updates on this constantly growing site! Hari Bol! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


DISCLAIMER: is not affiliated with in any way.


January 11, 2009


Hari Bol! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Many unposted purports by Srila Prabhupada are now posted on the web for online viewing. You may access these purports by going to his respective page (AUTHORS AND TEXTS à AUTHORS LIST à A.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI) and you will see the list of the purports he has written for the songs featured on As most of Srila Prabhupada’s purports were lectures or orally spoken as conversations to his disciples, the original transcripts (if available) were posted with the date and location. The lyrics have also been updated with the new links.


Effective February 1, 2009, any updates on any page of this site will contain the most recent edited date. Any page with no date edited can be assumed to be edited recently by August 25, 2008: the date the IFP project was completed.


Thank you very much for your continued support through your e-mails, questions, and ideas! Hari Hari Bol! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


January 9, 2009


Hare Krsna!


By the Lord’s mercy, our song totals have hit up to 1,333 songs! We have many more songs that will be uploaded gradually. Due to the new IFP system that was implemented throughout late July and August, there will be some delay in uploading songs and posting songs.


Many songs of Lord Nrsimhadeva have been posted, many coming from our sampradaya and others from the Sri Sampradaya. Some Braja Bhasa bhajans by Mira Bai, and some new Vausdeva Ghosa and Caitanya Dasa bhajans have been added to the site.


The Authors Page has redone the Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya. The new page is the Four Authorized Successions of Disciples, to include the Sri, Rudra, and Kumara sampradaya, as they are scripturally bonafide.


UPDATED: January 1, 2010